The serene and propitious ambiance of July 13, 1963 suddenly dawned into a new awakening of Badamba to all the sinews of Higher Education. On that momentous day many young faces were aglow with ineffable joy, lit with the wide prospectus for a bright future and with a surfeit of rich expectations. They found ultimately their long cherished dreams of gateways to higher learning being opening at them and taking wings. Amidst an avalanche of sky touching and heart bursting words forming the chorus in praise of those founders and the public at large, the denouement finally came with the inauguration of this almamater by none else than Dr. P. Parija, former Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University and a great Educationist and Scientist of high excellence. In the background of Panoramic beauty and panoptic scenery formed by the small bushy hills around, the College began its first flutter being sacuredly perched in the blissful and benign lap of Lord Singhanath and Mother Goddess Bhattarika – the two holy shrines in the silhouette of dark blue gurgling water of the consecrated river "The Mahanadi" washing their Holy Feet.

Passing through many vicissitudes, trials and tribulations ups and downs, the fledging during these years has grown into a mature, developed and healthy institution. With great inexpressible joy and pride knowing no bounds, the College celebrated its 50th Foundation Day in the new millennium to pay its heart throbbing ovation and homage to its founders in kind remembrance of their sacred deeds and noble sacrifices, and to take stock of its marvelous feats and ineluctable foibles, reminding us its inmates of our avowed, ceaseless endeavor and determination to shape our bright and ever glowing future. The illuminating pages of history of this alma-mater stand as a testimony to its growth, and development from an Intermediate College in Arts to a Degree College with Arts, Science and Commerce streams with provisions for Honours teaching facilities in all subjects barring a few, through efforts are on to make up that deficiency. The College provides a hostel for accommodation of lady students and few quarters for the teachers as well. Having spoken high of its golden and glorious past, does not in any way, make us oblivious of our long journey to traverse towards our ultimate goal. The onus is on its inmates - the teachers, students and all who are the sole actors to lead this institution into the grand shape of a full fledged, academically advanced and prosperous temple of wisdom. It can be incontestably said that whatever new vigorous and beautiful face, the College dons today due to the unmitigated efforts and ungrudging cooperation of all. The spectacular development of the College has been accelerated by the timely and generous assistance of the U.G.C & Sj. D.P. Mishra, Hon'ble Minister Mass Education and Industry, Govt. of Odisha and all others who have always made it a point to august visit of the NAAC Peer Team and its accreditation has secured a niche in the main stream of Higher Education. The College may look small but it is certainly a beautiful flower wafting its academically flavoured and intellectually informed sweet fragrance all around, quite indicative of its moral stance and commitment to the ushering in of a full-blossomed institution.